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About Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

Phi Delta Epsilon believes in giving back to our global community. Our international philanthropic and service partner is Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals. There are more than 170 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals worldwide. Each year these hospitals treat 17 million children for every disease and injury imaginable. Collectively, they impact the lives of more children than any other children's organization in the world.

Children’s hospitals are special places, graced with experts trained in the care and handling of small, fragile, sick, and injured children. It is critical that we, as a society, support these islands of care because any child can get sick or become seriously injured. When they do, it is critical that there be a children’s hospital nearby.

Philanthropy: About Us

Our Impact So Far

  • Volunteered at Ronald McDonald house to provide food and entertainment to the families staying there

  • Hosted multiple service events to create materials to donate to University of Florida's Shands Hospital

  • Tabled at Turlington Plaza to help raise awareness on our international philanthropy day, Stand for the Kids

  • Raised over $5,500 over this past Spring 2023 semester

  • Raised over $15,000 in total (and counting) as a chapter since Fall 2019 for Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals

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Philanthropy: About Us

Anatomy Fashion Show

Anatomy Fashion Show (AFS) is a trademarked signature fundraising event by PhiDE where students display artistic renditions of various human body systems. Food and entertainment are often provided, and we hold silent auctions and prize raffles at the event as well!

Since our inaugural AFS in Fall of 2021, we have raised $5,000 for Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals from AFS alone!

Philanthropy: Headliner
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